Ask The Nail Tech

Nail Care, Nail Jokes and Whatever else I can find for You!

Need to know more about taking care of your nails or a nail product or just want to keep up with nail trends?

I'm here to share with you what I know about nail care and
I'm always on the lookout for new nail trends, nail news and products for you to enjoy!

I love a good nail joke and always love sharing anything funny so I'll bring you a salon joke and other goodies I find for you from time to time.

Pretty Nails, Funny Nails it's all about the nails and a good laugh!

Oh! don't forget to share with your friends. ;-)
Thanks! Kathy


Christian Louboutin's New Nail Polish Inspired by a Bug!

How creative is that! 

Naming a Nail Polish after an insect and my first thought was it's probably a butterfly, but oh no it's named after a scarab beetle.

I had never seen a scarab beetle until I read the article about the bug inspired nail polish on InStyle. 

So you know I just had to Google that and see what kind of bug it was that could possibly make someone come up with such beautiful nail polish. 

The scarab beetle has beautiful iridescent colors which was the inspiration for the new Christian Louboutin Collection called Scarabee.

And if you would like a bottle of the Christian Louboutin insect inspired nail polish Scarabee InStyle has a link here to get a bottle of your own!

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