Ask The Nail Tech

Nail Care, Nail Jokes and Whatever else I can find for You!

Need to know more about taking care of your nails or a nail product or just want to keep up with nail trends?

I'm here to share with you what I know about nail care and
I'm always on the lookout for new nail trends, nail news and products for you to enjoy!

I love a good nail joke and always love sharing anything funny so I'll bring you a salon joke and other goodies I find for you from time to time.

Pretty Nails, Funny Nails it's all about the nails and a good laugh!

Oh! don't forget to share with your friends. ;-)
Thanks! Kathy


Trouble with bubbles in your Gel Nail Polish?

This post is about bubbles in Gel Polish and not regular gel nails or regular nail polish.

Bubbles in your Nail Polish
Bubbles in your Gel Polish

Well most of us have had this dreadful thing happen we do all that work only to end up with bubbles in our polish. Gesh!
Does that sound like you? Well here are a few things that could be the cause of bubbles in your polish along with a few things you can try to hopefully avoid this from happening again in the future.

Some of the main things that may cause you to get bubbles in your gel polish are listed below and hopefully will help you figure out what may be causing you problems with your nails.

  • Gel Polish may be thin, some of the gel colors tend be thinner so we try to put it on a little thick to get the color we want and applying it to thick can cause it to bubble, try doing thinner coats even if you have to do three thin coats it may help to prevent bubbles in the gel.

  • The Gel Polish may be thick, if your gel has gotten thick then try and only do one coat of the color and see how it looks, you don't have to have two coats of color if one coat can give you the color you want, especially if it's thick.

  • Overworking the product, if you have a tendency to overworking the product for to long try doing three quicker thin coats instead.

  • The edge of the nail not properly sealed, make sure to get the free edge of the nail covered really good with all coats including base (if applicable) and top coat.
  • Using the correct watt lamp recommended for the product. Always use the correct UV Lamp Wattage recommended for your product.
  • Contaminated product, make sure you always keep the bottles closed tight when not in use and never file your nails near an open bottle.
  • A product exposed to heat, heat and UV can make the product start to cure so always make sure never leave your polish in a hot car, sitting by a window where sunlight may hit it and don't sit the bottle in front of the open area of your UV lamp while it is turned on.
  • Oil left behind on the nail, just the smallest amount of oil left on the nail can really make a difference so wipe the nails really good, make sure not to touch the nails after you wipe them and always use the 99% alcohol regular alcohol is not the same.
  • Another thing that may cause the gel polish to bubble is if the actual nail is not smooth before you start. If you run your finger over the nail and the nail doesn't feel smooth you could try and gently go over the nail with the next to finest side of the Three-waybuffer you can see and read more about that here. Please be gentle with the nail buffer, it feels really soft but overuse can make your nails thin and week, so less is best! Make sure and clean off the nail again after buffing.
Do you have any tips that you have found to help prevent bubbles in Gel Polish that you would like to add here?

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