Ask The Nail Tech

Nail Care, Nail Jokes and Whatever else I can find for You!

Need to know more about taking care of your nails or a nail product or just want to keep up with nail trends?

I'm here to share with you what I know about nail care and
I'm always on the lookout for new nail trends, nail news and products for you to enjoy!

I love a good nail joke and always love sharing anything funny so I'll bring you a salon joke and other goodies I find for you from time to time.

Pretty Nails, Funny Nails it's all about the nails and a good laugh!

Oh! don't forget to share with your friends. ;-)
Thanks! Kathy


Do you have Splitting Nails?

Do your nails get those splits in them that then cause them to just break off?

Nails that split lengthwise can be a real issue with the fingernails and can even become painful.
Here are a couple of things you can try and help those nails stop splitting on you! READ MORE


Anonymous said...

can you help me with splitting nails?

Ask The Nail Tech said...

Yes, splitting nails can be a problem
are they splitting vertical or across?

Anonymous said...


Ask The Nail Tech said...

Ok, so if they are splitting vertical this can be a problem and sad to say this may get worse as the years go by. ;-)
This is usually caused by
corrugations in the nail.It can be very helpful to keep them conditioned with a good cuticle oil and keeping the nails at an average length. Sometimes you can add a little nail glue to help stop the splitting and if it is a bad tear you may also try a silk patch that can be purchased at the drug store.

Anonymous said...

thank you very much !!!!!