Ask The Nail Tech

Nail Care, Nail Jokes and Whatever else I can find for You!

Need to know more about taking care of your nails or a nail product or just want to keep up with nail trends?

I'm here to share with you what I know about nail care and
I'm always on the lookout for new nail trends, nail news and products for you to enjoy!

I love a good nail joke and always love sharing anything funny so I'll bring you a salon joke and other goodies I find for you from time to time.

Pretty Nails, Funny Nails it's all about the nails and a good laugh!

Oh! don't forget to share with your friends. ;-)
Thanks! Kathy


Does a Salon Manicure last longer than a Home Manicure?

The big question for today is: Will my manicure last longer if I have it done at a salon?

I have had clients that do amazingly well with regular nail polish (and yes even when they polish in between their manicure appointments) and then I have had other clients not so well.

This is not really a yes or no question for several reasons.

If you have nail issues such as peeling edges, really dry nails, soft nails etc. then it doesn't make any difference who polishes your nails it will be a challenge keeping anything on your nails.
Also how you use your nails for doing things (you know like the post about-your nails are jewels not tools)  can have a huge impact on how long your polish may last.

Think of it as a painting, if you don't start with a good canvas.......and well you know the rest ;-)

If your polish doesn't seem to last very long a good nail strengthener and cuticle oil is the best place to start and once you get your nails in the best shape possible then I think you will have better results no matter who polishes your nails.

How ever I do believe that when someone else is doing your nails they are getting a better look at the ends of your nails and will be more likely to completely cover the tips of your nail (the free edges) with the product which is the first thing that will start to come off.
So if you are going to do your own nails keep this in mind and make sure you get that free edge covered really good.

But if you do have problem peeling nails see the  post on the three way buffer post here it will help you get started. It's just a little tip to help with the peeling until your new nail grows out.

Which do you think last longer a salon manicure or at home manicure?

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