Ask The Nail Tech

Nail Care, Nail Jokes and Whatever else I can find for You!

Need to know more about taking care of your nails or a nail product or just want to keep up with nail trends?

I'm here to share with you what I know about nail care and
I'm always on the lookout for new nail trends, nail news and products for you to enjoy!

I love a good nail joke and always love sharing anything funny so I'll bring you a salon joke and other goodies I find for you from time to time.

Pretty Nails, Funny Nails it's all about the nails and a good laugh!

Oh! don't forget to share with your friends. ;-)
Thanks! Kathy


Need a way to Organize all that Nail Polish?

Good Monday Morning!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
I did a lot of supervising in the yard b-cause my hubby has grounded me from the power tools :-(
Yup, no more power tools for me at least for awhile.

Anyway lets get back to How to Organizing all that Nail Polish.

Do you store you nail polish in a basket and are you getting tired of digging through it every time you want find that certain color to paint your nails?
I have seen a lot of ideas online about ways to store your polish and have shared a couple of them with you in the past, but here is one that I used for many years that helped me and my clients find our polish colors quick and easy.
I think you will enjoy having it the next time you go looking for that one certain bottle of polish ( you know that one that is always on the very bottom of that basket ;-) )
It is just a plastic shelf that will enable you to see all of your colors with just a quick look.
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It doesn't cost you anything extra to order it here online it just adds a few cents to help keep the site going and I am grateful for that. :-)

So if you are tired of hunting down that bottle of polish every time you want to paint your nails and you are ready to get that polish organized then check it out!
Make sure to get the expandable one because you know you will buy more polish and need the extra room. ;-)
If you like the convince of shopping at Amazon you can order one here.

Organize your nail polish
Organize you Nail Polish

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