How should you wear your nails for a job interview?
One of the most often asked questions and the answer is not easy because all jobs and people are different including the person that may be interviewing you.The first and most important thing is to make sure your nails are clean and well manicured and if you are going to wear polish I would recommend going with a very natural nail polish color or a French Manicure. This is unless of course you know a lot about the person who will be interviewing you or you know you already have the job.
It is always better to stay just a little bit on the safe side and get that job landed first, then you can paint your nails as you wish. ;-) and don't tell the boss I said that!
A few good natural nail polish colors that come to mind would be something like,
Essie-Lady Like or Essie Ballet Slipper or in the OPI colors something like Bubble Bath or Cotton Candy, just a few to get you started in the right direction.
If you have a darker skin tone go a little deeper with the tones something more like Zoya Minka because the really light colors will show up brighter with your skin tone.
And same goes for the guys nails when preparing for your interview, a clean well done manicure and maybe a slight buffing can make a difference in your overall look.
You can find information on buffing your nails by clicking here.
Plan your nails the day before so you won't have to rush, no chipped nails are allowed for your big day!
and good luck at your interview :))
What do you think and how do you think your nails should be done for a job interview?
If You Love a French Manicure Read This!
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