Ask The Nail Tech

Nail Care, Nail Jokes and Whatever else I can find for You!

Need to know more about taking care of your nails or a nail product or just want to keep up with nail trends?

I'm here to share with you what I know about nail care and
I'm always on the lookout for new nail trends, nail news and products for you to enjoy!

I love a good nail joke and always love sharing anything funny so I'll bring you a salon joke and other goodies I find for you from time to time.

Pretty Nails, Funny Nails it's all about the nails and a good laugh!

Oh! don't forget to share with your friends. ;-)
Thanks! Kathy


A Nail Polish Review

After all the hoopla about the best nail polish at the best price and the $1.99 Sinful Color nail polish kept coming up as being a great polish for the price. I decided to give it a try. Cause I like to save a buck just like everyone else you know ;)

Over the weekend I had purchased a bottle of Sinful Colors-Energetic Red.
So yesterday I gave myself a pedicure and thought it's time to try out my new polish and I was very excited!
Well much to my surprise I put on my first coat and it was a struggle for me to work with and looked very streaked, so I thought maybe the next coat would take care of it and cover those streaks, second coat goes on and looks a little better but I can still see streaks in it. I'm not going for coat number three so I removed it and used one of my old faithful CND colors.
Oh well being a Nail Tech for over twenty years I have used many brands of polish and polished many nails.
Maybe I picked up a bad bottle or maybe I have just been spoiled with the other brands or maybe I'm just a perfectionist.
So I guess my experience on the Sinful Color polish was not so great. :(
What is your take on the Sinful Color nail polish, do you like it or did I just get a bad bottle? I would love to know what you think!

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